Making A Fall At Work Claim For Injuries

This guide will explore when you could be eligible to begin a fall at work claim. In order to seek personal injury compensation, there is specific criteria that must be met. We will explore these in more detail throughout our guide. Additionally, we will provide guidance on the steps you could take after becoming injured at work, including gathering evidence and seeking legal advice.

fall at work claim

Making A Fall At Work Claim For Injuries

Statistics from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) show that accidents involving a slip, trip, and fall account for 30% of non-fatal injuries sustained in the workplace. There are several ways these types of accidents could occur. We will provide examples throughout our guide, in addition to looking at the duty of care your employer owes to prevent you becoming harmed at work.

Furthermore, we will discuss the personal injury compensation you could be owed for your injuries if you succeed in your claim. 

If you would like more information, you can speak with one of our advisors regarding your potential claim. They may be able to connect you with a solicitor from our panel if they find you have a valid claim. To get in touch, you can:

Select A Section

  1. When Could You Make A Fall At Work Claim?
  2. How Do You Make A Fall At Work Claim?
  3. How Could A Fall At Work Occur Due To Employer Negligence?
  4. Potential Accident At Work Compensation That You Could Receive
  5. Use Our Panel Of Accident At Work Solicitors To Make A No Win No Fee Claim
  6. Learn More About Beginning A Fall At Work Claim

When Could You Make A Fall At Work Claim?

You may be entitled to compensation if you have been injured in a fall at work. However, you need to establish whether you hold a valid claim; this is done by satisfying the eligibility criteria:

  • Firstly, you need to prove that you were owed a duty of care.
  • Secondly, you need to show that there was a breach of duty.
  • Thirdly, you need to demonstrate that this breach of duty caused your injury. This constitutes negligence, for which you could be eligible to begin a personal injury claim.

You must also have begun your claim within the personal injury claim time limit stated in the Limitation Act 1980. This is generally three years from the date of the accident. 

The duty of care employer’s owe their employees is set out in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. It states an employer must take reasonable steps to maintain a safe working environment and prevent injury to their employees.

One of the steps your employer could take to uphold their duty of care and prevent a fall at work, is to perform regular risk assessments and address any hazards they become aware of. A failure to do so could lead to you experiencing harm. 

To find out more about when you could be eligible to seek personal injury compensation following an accident at work, get in touch on the number above.

How Do You Make A Fall At Work Claim?

In order to strengthen your claim, you should try and provide as much evidence as possible. This can be used to prove the extent of an injury, highlight any psychological effects and establish liability. Examples of the evidence you could collect include:

  • CCTV footage of the accident.
  • A diary of your treatment and recovery. This could be used to illustrate the mental and physical effects of your injury.
  • A copy of your medical records, such as X-rays.
  • Photographs of your injury.
  • Contact details from witnesses who could make a statement at a later date.
  • If you report an accident at work and fill out the accident at work book, a copy of the incident report could be used as evidence. 

One of the services the solicitors from our panel can provide is helping clients collect evidence to support their claim. If you would like to find out whether they can help you with the different aspects of your fall at work claim, get in touch on the number above.

How Could A Fall At Work Occur Due To Employer Negligence?

Below, we have provided examples of how a fall at work could happen due to employer negligence:

  • You could fall from a height due to your employer providing you with a faulty ladder that they failed to maintain. As a result, you sustain a broken leg and shoulder dislocation. 
  • An employer fails to carry out necessary risk assessments, resulting in you falling down the stairs due to a faulty handrail. As a result, you experience a severe head injury and back injury.
  • You may sustain a broken arm after slipping on a wet floor that wasn’t signposted. 

A fall at work can lead to a range of injuries. Some may be life-changing such as severe brain damage resulting from a head injury. Others could be more minor, such as a simple arm fracture that recovers in a short-period.

You could be awarded compensation to address how your injuries have affected you if you make a successful fall at work claim. Read on to learn more about how compensation is calculated.

Potential Accident At Work Compensation That You Could Receive

Following a successful fall at work claim, you may receive a payout formed of up to two heads. The first head is known as general damages; this accounts for the direct pain and suffering caused by the injury. 

Solicitors can use the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to help them value your injuries. The JCG contains guideline award brackets, some of which we have included in the following table. The figures are not a guarantee so please only use them as a guide.

Compensation Table

InjuryValue - GuidelineNotes
Very Severe Brain Injury£282,010 to £403,990No meaningful response to environment and constant need for full-time care.
Moderate Brain Injury (ii)£90,720 to £150,110Moderate to intellectual deficit and ability to work removed substantially or completely.
Severe Back Injuries (i)£91,090 to £160,980Damage to the spinal cord and nerve roots causing severe pain and disability alongside other issues.
Severe Leg injuries (ii)£54,830 to £87,890Permanent problems with mobility and a life-long need for mobility aids.
Severe Knee Injuries (ii)£52,120 to £69,730Leg fracture that extends to the knee joint causing constant pain.
Elbow Injuries £39,170 to £54,830Injuries that cause severely disabling issues.
Arm Injuries£19,200 to £39,170Less severe injuries causing a significant disability, but with a substantial recovery.
Arm Injuries £6,610 to £19,200Simple fractures to the forearm.
Wrist Injuries £24,500 to £39,170Injury that cause permanent injuries that are significant. However, some useful movement remains.
Shoulder Injuries £5,150 to £12,240Fracture of the clavicle.

Special Damages After A Fall At Work

You may also receive a second head of claim within your payout known as special damages. This accounts for any past or future financial losses caused by your injuries. For example:

  • Medical expenses.
  • Travel costs.
  • Loss of income.
  • Domestic care costs.

Please note, evidence such as payslips or receipts can help to prove any losses. 

For more information on the compensation you could receive following a successful claim, get in touch using the number above.

Use Our Panel Of Accident At Work Solicitors To Make A No Win No Fee Claim

Our panel of personal injury solicitors have experience dealing with personal injury claims and could offer you the following services:

  • Help gathering sufficient evidence
  • Assistance in building your case
  • Ensuring your case is put forward in full and within the relevant time limits
  • Valuing your settlement

They can offer a particular kind of No Win No Fee agreement. Whilst there are different types, they offer contracts known as a Conditional Fee Agreement. As per the terms of this contract, you can typically expect not to pay a fee for your solicitor’s services upfront or as your case proceeds. Additionally, you won’t need to pay your solicitor for their work if the claim fails. 

In the event of a successful claim, your solicitor would charge a success fee, which is a small percentage taken from your compensation. This fee is legally capped under the Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013, meaning you cannot be overcharged.

Contact Us

For more information on the process of beginning a fall at work claim, the eligibility criteria that needs to be met and the evidence you may need to gather, get in touch with an advisor. They can also provide a free case assessment. If they find your claim is valid, they could connect you to a solicitor from our panel who can begin working your case on a No Win No Fee basis. To get in touch:

Learn More About Beginning A Fall At Work Claim

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Thank you for reading this helpful guide on when you could begin a fall at work claim. If you have any additional questions, please get in touch on the number above.

Writer Matthew Wright

Editor Meg McConnell