Making No Win No Fee Accident At Work Claims

This guide will look at the No Win No Fee accident at work claims process. If you’ve been injured in an accident at work due to negligence, you may be able to claim compensation. 

You’re owed a duty of care while you’re at work by your employer. If this duty of care is breached, resulting in injury, you could be eligible for a work accident payout. We will explore how employer negligence can cause an accident and how much you could receive in compensation for an accident at work claim.

No Win No Fee accident at work claim

No Win No Fee accident at work claims guide

You must provide evidence to prove your employer’s negligence led to the accident which caused your injuries. We will discuss relevant evidence you can provide further on in this article. This guide will also explain what No Win No Fee accident at work claims are and how you can find the best accident at work solicitor to support your case.

Contact our team of advisors for free legal advice about claiming. They are available 24/7 to help you start the claims process, and if your claim is valid, they could connect you with a No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel. You can reach us using the following details:

Choose A Section

  1. An Introduction To No Win No Fee Accident At Work Claims
  2. What Is A Work Accident?
  3. Examples Of Work Accidents
  4. How Much Could I Get For No Win No Fee Accident At Work Claims?
  5. Where Can I Find No Win No Fee Lawyers?
  6. More Information On No Win No Fee Accident At Work Claims

An Introduction To No Win No Fee Accident At Work Claims

Accidents can occur at work in a number of different ways. You might be eligible for compensation if you’ve been injured due to employer negligence. It is unlikely that you will be able to make an accident at work claim if the accident was wholly your fault.

There is a general three-year time limit to starting your personal injury claim. This is set out in the Limitation Act 1980. Due to this, it is recommended that you start the process of your No Win No Fee accident at work claim as soon as possible. However, some exceptions to these time limits apply; speak with our team for more information. 

To learn more about the personal injury claims process, contact our advisors today. If you have a valid claim with a good chance of success, you could be connected with one of the No Win No Fee lawyers from our panel to help you work on your claim. 

Recent Work Accident Statistics

In 2020/21, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) published statistics on non-fatal injuries at work in Great Britain. In this timeframe, 441,000 employees self-reported a non-fatal injury to the Labour Force Survey. 51,211 workers suffering from non-fatal work-related injuries were reported under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) by their employers.

Slip, trip and fall injuries were the most commonly reported kind of accident, making up 33% of incidents reported under RIDDOR. Just below this number were manual handling injuries, affecting 18% of employees.

What Is A Work Accident?

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 states that your employer owes you a duty of care. They should take all reasonable steps to prevent workplace accidents that could lead to injury. If you’ve been injured due to employer negligence, you might be entitled to make a No Win No Fee accident at work claim.

There are a number of ways employers are expected to adhere to the duty of care that they owe. Employer negligence can include:

  • Your employer fails to train employees to use relevant equipment in the workspace. This could lead to you being struck by a moving object.
  • Your employer must provide you with personal protective equipment (PPE) to do your job safely. This can include hi-vis jackets, hard hats and gloves. You could suffer from a scalp burn or hand injury without this protection.
  • Poor housekeeping can lead to slip, trip and fall accidents when equipment isn’t stored away correctly. This could lead to an office accident resulting in a head injury

Our advisors can assess your case if you’ve suffered an injury at work. We can offer you free legal advice to help you start the No Win No Fee accident at work claims process. There is also no pressure to continue working with us after your initial chat.

Examples Of Work Accidents

It is important that you receive relevant medical attention after your accident. This will help with a quicker recovery, and medical evidence can strengthen your claim. Examples can include hospital reports, prescriptions and doctor’s notes.

Evidence is important to prove your employer’s negligence led to you sustaining injuries. Without providing evidence, it is unlikely that you will be able to succeed with your No Win No Fee accident at work claim. To support your claim, you can show:

  • CCTV footage of the accident taking place
  • Pictures showing the scene of the accident and your injuries
  • The accident log book containing the written report of your accident
  • Details of witnesses that can testify for your case

You may have grounds to claim a work accident settlement if your evidence supports your case. 

How Much Could I Get For No Win No Fee Accident At Work Claims?

The Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) show compensation brackets for general damages. This relates to the pain and suffering caused by any physical and psychological damage you sustained due to the negligence.

Legal professionals use the JCG to help them value claims. We’ve included some examples from the JCG below. Please note that the figures displayed in the table are just guidelines, and the amount you actually receive might vary. 

Very Severe Brain Damage £282,010 - £403,990The injured person may have some ability to follow basic commands, could struggles with reflex movement and requires full-time care.
Moderately Severe Brain Damage £219,070 - £282,010Injuries causing serious disability such as limb paralysis, requiring constant care. 
Moderate Brain Damage (i)£150,110 - £219,070Sensory impairment and vestibular symptoms may persist with personality change and a significant risk of epilepsy.
Moderate Brain Damage (ii)£90,720 - £150,110Disabilities greatly reduce, if not remove, the ability to work. Moderate to modest intellectual deficit.
Moderate Brain Damage (iii)£43,060 - £90,720Concentration and memory are affected, with a small chance of epilepsy developing. Dependence on others is limited.
Severe Arm Injury (a)£96,160 - £130,930Extremely serious injuries falling short of amputation.
Arm Injury Resulting in Permanent and Substantial Disablement (b)£39,170 - £59,860Injuries include serious fractures to one or both forearms causing permanent residual disability.
Serious Hand Injury (e)£29,000 - £61,910Injuries will have reduced the use of the hand to 50% capacity. Some fingers and palm of the hand may have been amputated and sewn back on, causing disfigurement.
Severe Finger Fractures (f)Up to £36,740Fractures could lead to partial amputation, causing deformity, impairment of grip and disturbed sensation.
Less Serious Hand Injury (g)£14,450 - £29,000Accidents that severely crush the hand can lead to significantly impaired function.

You can also claim special damages when making your No Win No Fee accident at work claim. This reimburses you for any financial losses as a result of your injuries, such as:

  • Travel costs from to and from hospital appointments
  • Loss of earnings due to taking time off work to recover from your injuries if you’re unable to work
  • Medical bills such as prescriptions for medicines that you need to recover

You must provide evidence to claim special damages, including bank statements and receipts. 

Where Can I Find No Win No Fee Lawyers?

If you’re interested in legal representation for your case, you might be considering a No Win No Fee personal injury claim. Conditional Fee Agreements are a popular kind of No Win No Fee agreement and help you avoid upfront and ongoing costs while benefiting from working with a lawyer. There is also nothing to pay if your claim isn’t a success.

In the event that you are awarded accident at work compensation, your lawyer will deduct a success fee from your settlement total. This is a small percentage of your settlement that will cover legal costs. Your lawyer can discuss the details with you before you agree to start your claim.

Our advisors can connect you with a personal injury lawyer if they believe that your claim has a good chance of success. Get in touch to see if you could start the No Win No Fee accident at work claims process today.

Ask Us About No Win No Fee Accident At Work Claims

To start the claims process for an accident at work settlement, use the following contact details to reach our team:

  • Call us on 0113 460 1215
  • Speak to an advisor instantly using the live chat
  • Complete the contact form, and we will get back to you

More Information On No Win No Fee Accident At Work Claims

Here are some links that you may find useful:

The NHS website offers advice on when to call 999

The UK government website shows information for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).

To see NHS key statistics, follow the link.

We’ve also included the links to some of our other personal injury claims guides:

Thank you for taking the time to read our No Win No Fee accident at work claims guide.

Writer Jess Angler

Publisher Fern Stringer