What Can We Learn From Accident At Work Statistics?

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website provides both past and current accident at work statistics. Every year, many employees suffer an injury resulting from a workplace accident. Under The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), there were 51,211 reports of non-fatal injuries to employees in 2020/21. It is important to note that employers have reported these incidents. This shows that there is a risk that you may be involved in a workplace accident. 

accident at work statistics

A guide on accident at work statistics

Therefore, we will be looking at what accident at work statistics tell us and how an accident can happen. Also, this article will provide information on how much compensation you could receive for various workplace injuries.   

If you have had an injury at work, caused by employer negligence, and would like to seek the compensation you deserve, contact us: 

  • Call 0113 460 1215 for more advice. 
  • Find additional ways to contact us here. 
  • You can also use our live chat to talk to one of our advisors right away.

Choose A Section

  1. What Do Accident At Work Statistics Tell Us?
  2. How A Work Accident Could Happen
  3. What Is Evidence For A Work Accident Claim?
  4. Compensation Based On Accident At Work Statistics
  5. Can I Have A No Win No Fee Agreement?
  6. Further Information About Accident At Work Statistics

What Do Accident At Work Statistics Tell Us?

Accident at work statistics show that many people suffer from work-related illnesses and injuries. They also show that accidents at work can happen in various ways and affect different parts of the body. The types of accidents discussed in this article are slips, trips and falls on the same level, manual handling, a fall from a height and being struck by a moving object. 

For example, most non-fatal accidents in construction in 2020/21 were caused by slips, trips and falls on the same level, with 27% of all reported non-fatal injuries. Falls from a height caused 20 fatal injuries in this field over the year. Therefore, proper training, providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) where necessary and regular maintenance of equipment is necessary for construction. 

Figures for accidents at work highlight weaknesses in safety procedures in different industries. This leads to the development of better health and safety procedures in the workplace to keep employees safe. 

If you have been injured at work due to not receiving proper training, you could be eligible to claim compensation.

Latest Accident At Work Statistics

Accident at work statistics in Great Britain according to RIDDOR 2020/21:

  • 18,988 non-fatal employee injuries were sustained to upper limb locations.
  • There were 17,202 non-fatal injuries in the industry of public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities. Of all industries listed, this was the highest.
  • There were 34 fatal injuries to head locations across all sectors. 

When analysing workplace accident statistics, it is important to remember that each case has a unique set of details.

How A Work Accident Could Happen

The accident at work statistics we have looked at show that accidents can have many different causes and may happen more often than you think.

Employers owe their employees a duty of care, as explained in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. Section 2 states that employers must ensure the health and safety of their employees to a reasonable degree. Failure to do this is a breach of the employer’s duty of care and could lead to an injury. This is negligence. If you can prove your employer’s negligence caused you an injury, you could be eligible to claim compensation. 

An employer can breach their duty by: 

  • Proper training not provided – An employee could be at risk of injury while performing work tasks they’re not trained for. 
  • Failure to carry out regular maintenance – Leaving faulty equipment and allowing employees to use it could cause a serious injury, such as lacerations. 
  • Not providing information on manual handling procedures – This could lead to muscular injuries, for example.
  • Not providing PPE – This could result in a serious head injury, for instance. 
  • Unsafe working environments, full of clutter and hazards – This could be a trip and fire hazard. Employers should make sure walkways are free of clutter and hazards. It could be a hazard to leave stacked items unsecured as a falling object could strike an employee. 

As an employee, you also share a responsibility to act reasonably and adhere to the training you are provided to prevent accidents in the workplace

What Is Evidence For A Work Accident Claim?

You need evidence to prove a personal injury claim, as you need to be able to show your employer’s negligence. After receiving the relevant medical attention you require, collecting evidence as soon as possible after an accident has occurred can be important. The different types of evidence you can collect are: 

  • Medical records – Showing the injury and any treatment you received for it.
  • Accident report book – Every workplace should have one of these if they employ 10 people or more. If you are able, it is important to fill this out at the time of the accident to use as evidence. 
  • Photographic evidence – Of the injury and the scene of the accident.
  • CCTV footage – Showing the incident if possible. 
  • Witness contact details – From someone who saw the incident and may be able to corroborate your story. A solicitor would be able to contact a witness for a statement. 

Please contact our team of advisors if you would like more information about the evidence needed for a work accident claim.

Compensation Based On Accident At Work Statistics

As the accident at work reports show that most non-fatal injuries in 2020/21 were to the upper limb locations and most fatal injuries were to the head locations, we will focus on these in a table below, showing estimates of how much compensation you could receive based on accident at work statistics. This is informed by the figures of the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG), produced in April 2022. The JCG is a publication solicitors may use when valuing injuries. 

InjuryDetailsAmount of compensation
Moderate Brain and Head Injury (ii)Moderate intellectual deficit. The ability to work is reduced or removed. £90,720 to £150,110
Amputation of One Arm (iii)Amputated below the elbow.£96,160 to £109,650
Wrist Injury (b)Some useful movement remains; however, the injury caused severe permanent disability.£24,500 to £39,170
A Less Severe Elbow InjuryThe function of the elbow is impaired but does not require major surgery. £15,650 to £32,010
Serious Vibration White FingerInterferes with work and day to day life. Attacks occurring throughout the year.£16,760 to £31,640
Moderate Ankle InjuryLeft with less severe disabilities, where it is difficult to walk for long periods of time.£13,740 to £26,590
Moderate Hand InjuryThe hand has been crushed or suffered a penetrating wound.£5,720 to £13,280
Moderate Shoulder InjuryLimited movement and discomfort that lasts for about 2 years. Symptoms more than minimal.£7,890 to £12,770
Minor Back Injury (i)It takes about 2 to 5 years to recover. £7,890 to £12,510
Work Related Upper Limb Disorders - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (c)Often treated with a decompression operation. Symptoms resolve in up to 3 years.£8,640 to £10,750

These figures are estimates, every case is different, and therefore, the amount of compensation varies. 

It is important to note that there are two different types of damages that you could claim compensation for. General damages compensate you for the physical and mental harm the accident has caused you. You can see examples of potential general damages in the compensation table above. 

Special damages account for past and future financial losses as a result of the injury. For example, if the costs are associated with your injuries, you could claim for:

  • Travel expenses
  • Care you needed while recovering
  • Prescriptions

In order to make a successful claim for special damages, you’d need evidence. This could come in the form of receipts or invoices, for example. 

Please speak to one of our advisors to get a free valuation of your claim. They are available 24/7, and there is no obligation to proceed with the services of our panel of solicitors. 

Can I Have A No Win No Fee Agreement?

It can be beneficial to have the representation of a solicitor in an accident at work claim. They may offer you a No Win No Fee agreement, also referred to as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This is where the solicitor will not ask for their fee to be paid upfront. Neither will you be asked to pay their fee while your claim is ongoing. If your claim is unsuccessful, you will not have to pay the solicitor’s fee for their services.

However, the solicitor is awarded a small percentage of the compensation when a claim is successful. This amount is also known as a ‘success fee’ and is legally capped. It covers the cost of the solicitor’s services. 

The benefit of this agreement is that you get legal advice and representation from a professional whilst having the financial security to fund their services.

Our panel of personal injury solicitors can offer No Win No Fee agreements if you have an eligible claim. Please speak to a member of our team for more information.

Start An Accident At Work Claim Today

What are you waiting for? Start your claim today by doing one of the following: 

  • Call us on 0113 460 1215. Our advisors are available 24/7. 
  • Claim online.
  • You can also use our live chat to talk to an advisor right away. 

Further Information About Accident At Work Statistics

To find out more about accident at work statistics and how these can help you with your claim, follow these useful links: 

We also have some more of our own guides: 

Publisher Ruth Vincent

Writer Jess Oakland