How Much Compensation Can I Claim For An Office Accident?

In this guide, we will look at the process of claiming for office accidents caused by negligence. Sustaining an injury due to third-party negligence could mean you’re entitled to make a personal injury claim. We will explain what steps you need to take to make a successful claim and look at how much you could receive.

It is important to build a strong case for your claim. Including evidence is important to proving someone’s negligence caused your injury; we’ll look at the evidence you could provide later on in this guide. 

Additionally, we will discuss how you can fund legal representation through No Win No Fee agreements. Doing so could help you build a strong case, as a personal injury solicitor will be able to ensure that all aspects of your claim are covered.

Read on for more information on office accident claims. For further support, our team of advisors are on hand to help start the process. You can get in touch by:

Office accident claim guide

Office accident claim guide

Choose A Section

  1. How Can I Make A Claim For An Office Accident?
  2. Examples Of Accidents That May Happen At Work
  3. What Factors Determine Who Is At Fault For An Accident?
  4. Office Accident Injury Payouts
  5. What Are The Main Reasons To Pursue A No Win No Fee Agreement?
  6. Find Out More About Office Accident Claims

How Can I Make A Claim For An Office Accident?

When you’re in the workplace, your employer owes you a duty of care. This means that your employer needs to take reasonably practicable steps to prevent accidents which could cause injuries. If they fail to take these steps, and you’re injured as a result, then you might be entitled to claim. 

Some of the steps your employer should take to adhere to this duty of care include:

  • Carry out risk assessments to manage risks
  • Maintain good housekeeping in the workplace 
  • Provide free, relevant training that you need to do your job safely

The amount you receive will depend on how the injury has affected you and continues to impact your life moving forward. The injuries sustained in workplace accidents can vary, having both mental and physical effects. Some lasting injuries can make major changes to how you move forward with your life. For example, an accident might result in you becoming permanently disabled or suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

You may be invited to an independent medical assessment. This will mean that your injuries can be assessed and ensures that the amount you receive reflects the harm you suffered. 

If you’d like more information on when accident at work claims could be made, speak with a member of our team today. 

Office Accident Statistics

Data taken from the Health and Safety Executive website shows statistics of non-fatal injuries to employees in 2020/2021 in Great Britain. They collect records of accidents reported under The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013.

In this time period, 30% of reported injuries were fractures. This equates to 15,159 people. Of these, 12,893 were specified injuries.

If you’re looking to claim compensation for a work injury, our advisors are available to speak to you to offer their support.

Examples Of Accidents That May Happen At Work

Office accidents can occur when an employer is negligent. As outlined in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, all employers have a duty of care towards their employees. This central legislation states that they must do everything they reasonably can to protect their employees from harm. If they breach this duty of care, it can lead to an accident in an office that causes injury.

There are many ways accidents in an office can occur. Some examples are listed below:

  • Precariously stacked office supplies could fall on an employee as they pass, causing a shoulder dislocation 
  • Loose wires on the floor could pose a tripping hazard that leads to a head injury
  • If electrical equipment is not checked and maintained, then it could pose a risk of causing a fire resulting in a burn injury

If your employer has failed to do any of the above, then you might sustain an injury. If this is the case, you could be entitled to make a work accident claim. 

For more details on how to begin your accident in an office claim, you can speak to one of our advisors. They’ll be happy to offer you free legal advice. 

What Factors Determine Who Is At Fault For An Accident?

You must confirm who is at fault for the office accident before putting in a work accident claim. If an accident happened and you were wholly at fault for it, then you’d be unable to claim. 

Many workplace accident claims are due to employers breaching their duty of care. You’ll be expected to demonstrate this negligence in order to make a claim. . Without sufficient proof, you might not get the compensation you deserve. it is unlikely you could make a claim.

You should receive medical attention as soon as possible after the injury has taken place. There may be a trained first aider on-site; however, you should still consider seeking medical attention from a GP, walk-in centre or A&E where appropriate.. Seeking medical help means you have a better chance of recovering fully, and ensuring you are cared for should be a priority.

When an office accident occurs, it is crucial that you collect any evidence that could support your claim. This can include any CCTV footage, pictures of the circumstances of the accident in the workplace and the contact details of any witnesses.

 Any medical evidence, such as doctor reports and prescriptions, can also be used for your office accident claim. It is also useful to get some legal advice regarding your work injury claim. Our advisors are available to answer any questions and discuss your options. If they feel your case has a good chance of success, they could connect you with a No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel.

Office Accident Injury Payouts

Each claim for an accident in the workplace will be different. This is because several factors will be considered when deciding how much you’re entitled to. 

There are two potential heads of personal injury compensation:

  • General damages – relating to the physical and psychological pain from the injury.
  • Special damages – These reimburse you for financial losses caused by the injury.

Below is a list of examples of the injuries at risk and how much compensation you could be entitled to. These are all found in the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). The JCG is a publication that includes guideline compensation brackets that legal professionals use to help value claims.

Injury TypeAmount of CompensationDescription
Moderately Severe Brain Damage £219,070 to £282,010Moderate brain damage resulting in a very serious disability with substantial level of dependence on others.
Severe Back Injury (i) £91,090 to £160,980Damage to spinal cord and nerve roots leading to severe pain and disability.
Severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)£59,860 to £100,670Psychological trauma with permanent effects with all aspects of life affected.
Less Severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)£3,950 to £8,180Psychological trauma, making almost a full recovery within one or two years. Minor symptoms persisting.
Total loss of one eye £54,830 to £65,710Level of compensation will consider age, psychiatric impact and cosmetic effect.
Wrist Injury£47,620 to £59,860Complete loss of function in the wrist.
Elbow Injury£39,170 - £54,830Severely disabling injury to the elbow.
Moderate or Minor Elbow InjuryUp to £12,590Injuries such as tennis elbow, lacerations and simple fractures.
Wrist Injury£3,530 to £4,740Minor displaced fractures in the wrist with recovery taking less than 12 months.
Minor Back Injury (iv)Up to £2,450Whiplash injury including serious strains, disc prolapses and soft tissue injuries. Full recovery made within three months.

Special damages can cover a range of different costs and expenses. For example: 

  • Loss of earnings if your injuries stop you from working. 
  • The cost of medical care, such as prescriptions and medication
  • Travel costs to and from medical appointments 

It’s important to keep a record of the costs you’ve incurred, such as receipts and bills. They can be used to support your claim for special damages. 

Please bear in mind that the information in the table above should only be used as a guide. They are not guaranteed for a case with the respective injuries. For a more accurate assessment of what your office accident claim could be worth, you can contact our advisors today.

What Are The Main Reasons To Pursue A No Win No Fee Agreement?

When making a claim, it is advised to speak to a personal injury solicitor. A professional will help you calculate your damages and can confirm your right to claim. If the fees that are usually associated with seeking legal representation are holding you back from making an office accident claim with the help of a lawyer, you may be interested in claiming with a No Win No Fee agreement in place.

If you make a claim under a No Win No Fee agreement, there are no upfront fees to pay. In the event that you are successful in gaining compensation, your solicitor will deduct a success fee from your settlement. To avoid overcharging, this is legally capped. If your claim isn’t successful, then you don’t pay your lawyer for their services. 

If a No Win No Fee claim is of interest to you, there are advisors available to discuss your options. Get in touch today for free legal advice.

Make An Office Accident Claim

If you would like any further information about anything discussed above, or if you have any questions about the office accident claims process, please contact our team for more support. 

Whether you need more advice or you want to take the next steps towards pursuing a claim, our advisers are available to speak to you. Please get in touch using the details below:

Find Out More About Office Accident Claims

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Thank you for reading this guide on office accident claims. We hope it has been helpful to you.

Writer Jess Angler

Publisher Fern Stringer