How To Claim Broken Foot Compensation

This guide will aim to answer questions you have regarding broken foot compensation amounts. We will address when you could be eligible to claim for a personal injury and provide a definition of negligence. 

Broken foot compensation

Broken foot compensation guide

Furthermore, we will examine the pieces of legislation that are in place to protect you from injury. In addition, this guide will look at how an injury could occur if this is not adhered to. In addition, a compensation table will be included with some potential compensation brackets for specific foot injuries.

If you would like to get in touch regarding broken foot compensation, you can use the contact details below and get in touch for free. One of our advisors will be happy to help and may refer you to a solicitor from our panel if they think you have a valid claim.

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Choose A Section

  1. When Are You Eligible To Claim Broken Foot Compensation?
  2. Is There A Time Limit To Claiming Broken Foot Compensation?
  3. Potential Foot Injury Compensation Payouts
  4. Evidence That Could Help You Make A Broken Foot Claim
  5. Claim Broken Foot Compensation On A No Win No Fee Basis Using Our Panel Of Solicitors
  6. Learn More About Making A Foot Injury Claim

When Are You Eligible To Claim Broken Foot Compensation?

Following a broken foot injury, you may be wondering whether you can claim broken foot compensation. In order to make a successful personal injury claim, you need to show that you were injured by third-party negligence. 

The basic definition of negligence is as follows:

  • Firstly, you were owed a duty of care.
  • Secondly, there was a breach of duty.
  • Thirdly, this breach caused your injuries.

You can find relevant legislation that states the duty of care applied to employers, occupiers and road users in the sub-sections below.

Accidents In A Public Place

Every visitor of a public place is protected by the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. This act states that occupiers have a common duty of care to ensure that they have taken reasonable steps to ensure that visitors are reasonably safe using the premises for the intended purposes. If they fail to adhere to this and you’re harmed as a result, you may be able to claim for injuries sustained in an accident in a public place.

Here are some examples of how an occupier’s negligence could cause an accident in which you’re injured:

  • You are involved in an accident in a park caused by faulty equipment that the council had been made aware of, but hadn’t taken action on. Furthermore, there were no warning signs indicating that this should not be used. 
  • If you have been injured in an accident in a supermarket caused by a falling shelf unit that was not properly secured to the wall, causing you to be hit by a moving object.

Road Traffic Accidents

You are owed a duty of care, outlined under the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code, by all other road users. The duty of care that they owe is not equal. Instead, those with the potential to cause the most harm have a greater responsibility towards the most vulnerable on the road.

You may be able to make a car accident claim if your injuries have been caused by the negligence of a road user. Here are some examples of how a road user’s negligence could lead to a broken foot compensation claim:

  • You could be injured as a passenger in a car accident if a drunk driver swerves into your side of the vehicle, causing your foot to be crushed.
  • Being knocked off your bike in a motorbike or cycle accident due to a driver driving over the speed limit and failing to keep a safe stopping distance could cause you to fracture the bones in your foot. 

Accidents At Work

Every employer is required to comply with The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. This act declares that an employer’s duty of care is to take reasonable steps to ensure your safety in the workplace. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) provides risk assessment guidelines to help maintain a safe work environment.

If your employer has failed to adhere to their duty of care which has caused you injury, you may be able to claim for an accident at work. Here are some examples of how a foot injury could happen at work as a result of negligence:

Is There A Time Limit To Claiming Broken Foot Compensation?

In order to have a valid claim, you must start your claim within the limitation period. Are you wondering how long you have to claim after an accident at work? 

Generally, this is within three years from the date of the incident, outlined under the Limitation Act 1980; this time limit applies to all personal injury claims.

Can I Make A Personal Injury Claim After 3 years?

Certain circumstances can alter the limitation period. Those circumstances are as follows:

  • A claimant lacking the mental capacity to claim would have their limitation period paused unless they regained capacity.
  • A child cannot claim themselves; therefore, their claim time limit would be halted until their 18th birthday.

Although, in both situations, the claimants could claim while unable to do so themselves with a litigation friend. A litigation friend can claim for them at any point while the claimant is unable. To see whether you have a valid claim and how long you have left to begin proceedings, speak with a member of our team today. 

Potential Foot Injury Compensation Payouts

After a successful claim, your broken foot compensation could be awarded from up to two heads of claim. The first head of claim is general damages and will be awarded for the pain and suffering inflicted by your injuries.

The compensation you receive will vary depending on the severity of the injuries (both physical and/or psychological) and the impact on your quality of life.

Below, you will find a compensation table of compensation figures, with an emphasis on foot injury compensation brackets. You can use this as an alternative to a compensation calculator. 

Compensation Table

Injury ValueNotes
Amputation of Both Feet£169,400 to £201,490Factors considered are phantoms pains, psychological problems and prosthetic success.
Amputation of One Foot£83,960 to £109,650Treated similar to the amputation of both feet.
Very Severe Foot Injuries £83,960 to £109,650Pain that is permanent and severe or really serious disability.
Severe Foot Injuries£41,970 to £70,030Fracture of both heels with restriction of mobility or considerable pain that will not subside.
Serious Foot Injuries £24,990 to £39,200Continuing pain from arthritis caused by trauma or where there is the risk of this developing in the future or a need for fusion surgery.
Moderate Foot Injuries£13,740 to £24,990Displaced metatarsal fractures causing ongoing deformity.
Modest Foot Injuries Up to £13,740Ruptured ligaments, simple fractures and puncture wounds.
Very Severe Ankle Injuries£50,060 to £69,700Transmalleolar fracture of ankle resulting in deformity.
Amputation of the Great ToeIn the region of £31,310Where the great toe has been injured to the extent of surgical amputation.
Serious Toe Injuries £9,600 to £13,740Crush injury to the big toe or several fractures or a crush to two or more toes.

Please note that all figures are taken from the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG); because of this, they are not guaranteed but can be used to see how much your claim could be worth. This is because solicitors can use the JCG to help them assign a value to a claim. 

Special Damages In A Foot Injury Claim

The other head of claim is known as special damages; this considers the past and future financial losses resulting from an accident in which you were injured. Some examples of special damages may include:

  • Travel expenses.
  • Medical care.
  • Loss of income, including future loss of income. 

It is important to provide evidence to support your claim. For example, you could show receipts and invoices to highlight how much you have spent or lost.

Evidence That Could Help You Make A Broken Foot Claim

In order to prove your claim, you should provide as much evidence as possible. Evidence you could collect includes:

  • CCTV footage or dashcam footage showing the incident happening. 
  • A diary of your recovery and treatment.
  • Medical records such as X-rays.
  • Photographs of your injury.
  • Contact details of eyewitnesses who could provide a statement at a later date.

Although not necessary, you may consider acquiring the services or advice of a solicitor as it can be very advantageous. You can call us on our number at the top of the page, and one of our advisors can tell you some services a member of our panel of solicitors could offer, such as helping you collect evidence.

Claim Broken Foot Compensation On A No Win No Fee Basis Using Our Panel Of Solicitors

You may be considering using a No Win No Fee solicitor to claim following a personal injury caused by negligence. The No Win No Fee solicitors from our panel work under a form of agreement called a Conditional Fee Agreement. 

This means that typically you will not be charged any upfront or ongoing legal costs for your solicitor’s service, and it will only be in the event of a successful claim that you will be charged.

This will come as a success fee, a minor percentage of your compensation, legally capped by The Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013. As such, you can not be overcharged. If the claim fails, your solicitor generally won’t ask you to pay them for the work they have done. 

Contact Us

If you want to learn more about making a broken foot compensation claim, you can contact us for free today using the details provided below. One of our advisors can advise you whether you have a legitimate claim and may refer you to a solicitor from our panel if you do:

Learn More About Making A Foot Injury Claim

This section will provide further resources regarding potential claims for broken foot compensation.

Here are some of our guides:

Here you will find some external links:

Writer Matthew Wright

Publisher Fern Stringer