Can I Get Compensation After An Accident In A Supermarket?

If you’ve been injured in an accident in a supermarket, you could be eligible to claim compensation. To make a valid compensation claim, you must prove that the supermarket breaching its duty of care caused you harm. 

accident in a supermarket

A guide to claiming for an accident in a supermarket

This article looks at what duty of care could mean in a supermarket, how you could evidence your claim, and how much you might be awarded in compensation. 

Read on to find out more about claiming compensation after an accident in a supermarket. If you have any further queries, you can get in touch with us at any time. Our team of advisors can offer expert legal advice for free. They could also put you in touch with a lawyer from our panel if your case could have a favourable chance. 

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Choose A Section

  1. I Suffered An Accident In A Supermarket, Can I Claim Compensation?
  2. How Could A Supermarket Accident Happen?
  3. How To Prove A Supermarket Breached Its Duty Of Care
  4. Potential Compensation Payouts After An Accident In A Supermarket
  5. Is It Wise To Appoint A No Win No Fee Lawyer?
  6. Further Guidance About Accident In A Supermarket Claims

I Suffered An Accident In A Supermarket, Can I Claim Compensation?

If you want to make a claim for an accident in a supermarket, you need to prove that you were injured and that it was the supermarket’s fault. 

Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957, the party that controls a space (known as the ‘occupier’ in legislation) is responsible for keeping visitors to that space from unreasonable harm. This includes supermarkets. Supermarkets should take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the safety of visitors; for example, by removing any potential trip or slip hazards. 

If a supermarket has breached its duty of care, and you have been harmed as a result, you could potentially claim compensation. Contact us today to find out more. 

How Could A Supermarket Accident Happen?

There are many different scenarios in which a supermarket accident could occur. Some examples could include:

  • Slips, trips and falls – If there was a spillage in an aisle, a customer could potentially slip if it was not signposted or cleaned properly
  • Hit by a moving object – Suppose a high shelf was not stocked correctly by staff. Something could fall onto a customer’s head and cause them injury. 
  • Environment – The supermarket layout could cause hazards, such as trip risks, leading to accidents.
  • Car accident – It is also possible that you could claim compensation if you have an accident in the supermarket car park and suffered an injury, as the supermarket is still the occupier of this land. However, this is only if you can prove it was the supermarket’s fault, rather than another driver. For example, the supermarket may have a poorly maintained car park with potholes, but may not have taken steps to ensure it’s safe for use. 

This section is not exhaustive. There may be many other ways in which you could claim compensation after an accident in a supermarket. Get in touch today to find out more. 

How To Prove A Supermarket Breached Its Duty Of Care

This section focuses on how the claims process could work if you are involved in an accident in a supermarket. 

If you’ve been harmed in an accident, we recommend that you seek medical attention. You may need to visit A&E for more serious injuries or ring 999. For non-emergency incidents, you could call 111 for medical advice or visit your GP

Once you have received help for your injuries, you could consider gathering evidence to help support your claim. You don’t need to hire legal representation to do so, but a lawyer could help support you through the claims process and consider what evidence will work best for your specific case. Some helpful evidence types could include:

  • CCTV footage
  • Photographs
  • Witness contact details, so they can later make a statement
  • Medical records

A supermarket is also likely to have an accident log book. If you have an accident in a supermarket, your accident should be reported in this book, which could also be helpful evidence for your claim. 

After this, you could seek legal advice about your case. If you get in touch with us, our team of advisors can offer free legal advice, with no attached obligations about starting a claim with us. If you want to start a claim, and our advisors think you have a good chance of success, they could connect you with an experienced solicitor from our panel. 

Potential Compensation Payouts After An Accident In A Supermarket

This section includes a table of possible compensation amounts you could claim after an accident in a supermarket. These figures are not a guarantee for your case. 

When claiming compensation for personal injury, you could seek up to two heads of claim. This includes general damages and special damages. If your claim is successful, you would receive general damages. However, special damages may not always be relevant in a case.

  • General damages – Compensation for your suffering and pain caused by another party’s negligence. 
  • Special damages – Covers the costs of specific financial loss associated with your injuries. 

For an accurate assessment of general damages, you would attend a medical appointment where a medical professional will assess the severity of your injuries. This will be key evidence for your claim. 

BackMinor (ii)£2,300 to £7,410A full recovery takes place between 3 months and 2 years, with no surgery needed. Could also apply to short-term exacerbation injuries.
ElbowModerate/MinorUp to £11,820Could include simple fractures, lacerations and tennis elbow syndrome. Injuries that cause no permanent damage or impairment of function.
Wrist(E)Around £6,970A Colles' fracture that is not complicated.
Chest(D)£11,820 to £16,860Relatively simple injury, such as a single penetrating wound. There will be permanent damage to tissue, but no long-term effects on the functionality of the lungs.
NeckSevere (iii)£42,680 to £52,540Fractures, dislocations or severe soft tissue damage that lead to chronic conditions and significant and permanent disabilities.
Amputation of ArmsAbove-Elbow Amputation£102,890 to £122,860A shorter stump could cause difficulties with a prosthesis.
Head/BrainMinor£2,070 to £11,980If brain damage is present, it is minimal. Compensation will depend on recovery period, symptoms and the severity of the injury.
ShoulderModerate£7,410 to £11,980Frozen shoulder with a limitation of movement and discomfort. Symptoms may persist for about 2 years. Also soft tissue injuries with more than minimal injuries.
AnkleModerate (ii)Up to £12,900Minor or undisplaced fractures, sprains, and ligament injuries.
ToeSerious£9,010 to £12,900Serious injuries to the great toe or crush and multiple fractures of two or more toes. There may be some permanent disability of discomfort, sensitive scarring, or pain.

Being involved in an accident could lead to you being financially out of pocket, but you could claim back these costs as special damages. Some examples of what you could claim for:

  • Travel costs
  • Medical treatments not available on the NHS
  • Adaptions to the home, if relevant
  • Loss of earnings

You can also claim for related costs that you may incur in the future, such as a continued loss of earnings. 

Is It Wise To Appoint A No Win No Fee Lawyer?

You don’t need the services of a solicitor to start a claim, but it can be beneficial to have a legal professional by your side. The solicitors on our panel have strong experience to bring to your case and offer No Win No Fee agreements for all claims they take on.

What is a No Win No Fee agreement, and how could it benefit you? Well, it includes:

  • No ongoing or upfront fee payments
  • You’d pay a success fee that is legally capped, but only if you are awarded compensation
  • No obligation to pay your solicitor their fee if your claim fails

Under this type of agreement, the solicitor takes on the financial risk so that you don’t have to. If your accident has had a negative financial impact and you wish to use the services of a solicitor, this agreement could be for you. 

Make An Accident In A Supermarket Claim With Our Help

If a No Win No Fee agreement sounds appealing to you, why not contact us today? Our advisors are available 24/7 to offer free legal guidance personalised to you and could potentially connect you with a solicitor from our panel if you want to start a claim. 

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  • Call us on the number at the top of the page

Further Guidance About Accident In A Supermarket Claims

If you have any further queries about claims for an accident in a supermarket, please get in touch at any time. For further guidance, please see below. 

Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents – This registered charity aims to prevent accidents using guidance. 

Compensation After an Accident or Injury – This Government guide explains how you could claim compensation after an accident or injury. 

Conditions – If you need medical advice, this NHS index could help you. 

For further questions about claiming for an accident in a supermarket, get in touch today. 

Written by Mor

Publisher Vic