Make An Accident At Work Claim With No Win No Fee Solicitors

For employees, there are protections in place and obligations on the part of the employer to ensure that everything that can be done within reason to provide as safe a working environment as possible is done. If your employer didn’t meet these obligations, and this contributed to you suffering an accident at work and injury, you could have grounds to claim compensation.

If you are considering pursuing a claim, or for a chance to discuss your situation at length, you can contact one of our advisers for a free initial consultation. Doing so offers you a chance to get a better insight into what would constitute grounds for a claim. You could also get an idea of what compensation you could claim.

Accident At Work How To Claim

Select a Section 

  1. What Is An Accident At Work And How To Claim?
  2. Examples Of Accidents At Work
  3. How Can I Prove My Employer’s Negligence? 
  4. Accident At Work Claim Calculator
  5. How Could A No Win No Fee Lawyer Help Me? 
  6. Learn More About Causes Of An Accident At Work And How To Claim

What Is An Accident At Work And How To Claim?

An accident at work is an incident in the workplace that results in injury or ill health. 

It’s understood that accidents happen and your employer might not be liable. In those cases, you wouldn’t be able to claim. 

What dictates the viability of a personal injury claim is the circumstances surrounding the accident and whether or not the accident or incident that led to the injury should have been prevented by your employer.

Duty Of Care

Essentially, to make a valid claim, you’ll need to show that:

  1. Your employer owed you a duty of care
  2. They breached this duty, causing a workplace accident or incident
  3. You suffered an injury as a consequence 

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 places a duty of care on an employer in regards to employees’ safety & well-being. They’re responsible for implementing measures as best they can to protect their employees’ welfare and are held by legislation to take certain actions to guarantee the relative safety of a workplace. 

These can include: 

  • The conducting of risk assessments, and informing employees of any risks found to the environment or work they’ll be undertaking. 
  • Minimising risks wherever possible. For example, if an activity involves a heavy load and could be more safely carried out by two people, then two people should be assigned to it.  
  • Proper training for any activity that could risk an employee’s health – including using equipment, or manual handling.  
  • Implementation of safety systems for any activities that could risk an employee’s health. This could include ensuring walkways aren’t obstructed or there are one-way systems for driving activities.
  • Provision of safe equipment and machinery – and regular inspections and maintenance.

A failure to carry out any of these duties where needed could lead to an accident. If you’re injured in that accident, you could claim.

After an accident at work, our advisers could tell you how to claim and whether you might be able to. Why not get in touch?

Examples Of Accidents At Work

Accidents at work can happen in all different ways and in all different environments, from offices to construction sites. Some workspaces have more risks than others and it’s vital that employers take suitable steps to minimise those risks. If they fail to do so, someone could get hurt and that could leave them exposed to a compensation claim.

Let’s take a look at some examples of accidents at work to give you an idea of when you could be able to claim:

  • Slips, trips and falls – all workplaces have slip and trip hazards, such as trailing wires or dropped liquids. If your employer is aware of the issue but doesn’t fix it, they could be found liable.
  • Failing to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) – depending on the type of job you do, you may require PPE. For example, if using an angle grinder, you will need safety goggles. If your employer doesn’t give them to you, it could lead to you suffering an eye injury.
  • Not providing suitable training – whenever you’re asked to carry out a new job at work, you should be given some training and instruction on how to do it. A failure to do so could see you carry out unsafe actions, risking harm to you and your colleagues.
  • Employers not conducting risk assessments – your employer should carry out regular risk assessments of the workplace and the tasks and jobs that everyone does. The assessment would highlight any training needs, PPE requirements, or potential risks. They should then act upon those findings to make the environment safe for all staff.
  • A lack of effective cleaning in the workspace – cluttered walkways can lead to trip hazards, so regular cleaning should tackle these hazards

This is not a complete list but it includes some of the most common workplace accidents we see. If you’d like to enquire about making an accident at work claim, please get in touch on the number at the top of this page.

How Can I Prove My Employer’s Negligence? 

Any evidence you can gather around the circumstances of the incident or accident could be used during your claim. 

This can be in the form of:

  • Pictures of the injuries or the environment and what led to the injury;  
  • Witness statements; 
  • Any correspondence relating to the hazard or proof of commonplace knowledge of a recurring incident; 
  • Any evidence of you or someone alerting your manager or employer of a hazard/problem – or evidence proving your manager or employer was aware of the problem and had not properly dealt with it in a reasonable timeframe. 

You can contact one of our advisers to discuss evidence in work accident claims, and what evidence you should collect that could help your claim. 

What To Do After An Accident At Work

If you need medical attention, seek it out immediately. You can use any evidence of treatment as evidence later. You can also gather further evidence after the fact. 

This can be in the form of  

  • CCTV, photographs or footage of the incident or injuries.
  • Witness contact details for statements.
  • The entry in the work accident report book.

After an accident at work, a step you can also take is finding out how to claim by contacting us.

Accident At Work Claim Calculator

When assessing potential awards for compensation, judges and solicitors typically refer to the Judicial College Guidelines. The Judicial College, the body charged with the training of judges, sets out potential awards for injuries based on previous court rulings. 

We’ve created the accident at work claim calculator below and used figures from these guidelines.

Injury Type:

Injury Severity:

The Judicial College Guidelines covers general damages: awards made to compensate you for the injury you’ve suffered. 

Compensation, however, does not stop at addressing the injury. Any financial losses you’ve suffered stemming from the injury would be part of what is assessed when calculating a compensation amount. 

These could include:  

  • Medical expenses such as prescriptions
  • Travel expenses, such as the extra cost of taking a taxi to work because you’re unable to drive due to the injury
  • Loss of financial opportunities – such as potential future opportunities or time you’ve taken or will take off work 
  • Accommodations you’ve made to cope with the injury – any changes to your home or any care you now have to receive

They would be covered under special damages and could factor into the final compensation amount requested.

How Could Accident At Work Solicitors Help Me? 

You do not need a legal representative to make a claim. The Ministry of Justice pre-action protocols offer information on what actions you need to take if you wish to formally begin a personal injury claim yourself. 

The benefit of legal representation includes aid in every part of the claims process and insight into dealing with work accident claims. 

However, you may have concerns about funding the services of accident at work solicitors. That’s why our panel offer their services on a No Win No Fee basis for all claims they accept. 

Under conditional fee agreements, known colloquially as No Win No Fee agreements, if your compensation claim is unsuccessful, there would be no fee payment made to your solicitor.  

There are also no initial solicitor fees and no solicitor fees levied during the claim. What’s more, the fee collected in the event of a successful claim would come as a legally capped percentage of the compensation you are awarded.  

Start Your Accident At Work Claim Today 

Our advisers offer free initial consultations and can provide a more in-depth and personalised assessment of your claim. You can contact them via:  

  • Calling the number at the top of the page 
  • Using the contact form to have someone get back in touch with you. 
  • Using our live chat for instant answers from an adviser. 

A consultation is not a solicitation of our legal services. It’s merely a chance to understand your situation, talk through your options and learn more about the claims process. However, if merit is found in your claim, they would connect you with our panel of accident at work solicitors. 

An accident at work can have damaging effects. Our panel of personal injury lawyers deal with them every day, can understand the situation and would treat your claim accordingly.

Learn More About Causes Of An Accident At Work And How To Claim

For tips on how to better avoid injuries, the NHS offers step by step advice on safe lifting techniques. 

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) provides clear guides on what a risk assessment should entail. 

The HSE also advise on what to do if you wish to report a health and safety issue. 

We also have a bunch of guides on accident at work claims which you can read below:

For more information about how to claim after an accident at work, get in touch.