How To Claim For An Arm Injury

In this guide, we address when you could claim compensation for an arm injury. You must be able to prove that you have been injured due to negligence in order to make a successful personal injury claim.

Negligence is the breach of a duty of care owed to you. This could happen at work, in a public place or on the road as you’re owed a duty of care in these environments. 

We will look at examples of how a duty of care could be breached, resulting in injury. Additionally, you can find advice on the benefits of choosing a No Win No Fee solicitor to represent you in your claim.  

Are you wondering how much compensation you could receive for an arm injury claim? Read on to see some valuations that you could be entitled to. Don’t hesitate to contact our advisors to find out more information about making a claim.

You can:

  • Call us at 0113 460 1215
  • Visit this page to claim online
  • Speak to one of our advisors using the live chat feature on this page. 
Arm injury claims

Make An Arm Injury Claim

Choose A Section

  1. Can I Make An Arm Injury Claim?
  2. What Accidents Lead To Broken Arms?
  3. Evidence For An Arm Injury Claim
  4. How Much Compensation Could You Get?
  5. How To Appoint A No Win No Fee Solicitor
  6. Extra Information About Making An Arm Injury Claim

Can I Make An Arm Injury Claim?

To make an arm injury claim, you must prove that a third party breached their duty of care towards you, and as a result, you were injured. There are different types of personal injury claims that could be made if an injury occurs:   

  • Accidents at work – where you received an injury due to your employer breaching their duty of care toward you. Whether you’re at a construction site, factory or in an office, arm injuries can potentially occur in any work area.
  • Road traffic accidents – where an injury is the result of a road user breaching their duty of care towards you. 
  • Accidents in public places – where you are injured as a result of the person responsible for a public space breaching their duty of care towards you. 

If you have been in an accident like this where negligence has resulted in an injury, you could begin seeking arm injury compensation today by contacting our panel of advisors. They are available 24/7 to help you at any time.  

2022 Injury Stats

According to reports made to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), there were 18,988 non-fatal injuries to employees’ upper limb locations in 2020/21.

The most commonly injured area of the upper limb was the “rest of the upper limb” which excludes fingers and thumbs, the hand and the wrist. Of the 18,988 injuries to the upper limb, 12,487 resulted in an absence of more than 7 days. 

What Accidents Lead To Broken Arms?

Different accidents in different environments could lead to broken arms or other arm injuries. For example, a slip trip and fall arm injury could happen in the workplace. In this scenario, you need to be able to prove that the injury happened as a result of your employer’s negligence. As set out in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 every employer has the duty of keeping their staff as safe and unharmed as reasonably possible. 

Therefore, if an employer was aware of a trip hazard on the floor, like a torn carpet and did not provide any signage or maintenance in an appropriate time frame, this could cause an employee to trip and break their arm. This employee may then be able to claim compensation due to employer negligence. 

Alternatively, a person could break their arm in a public place such as a shopping centre. The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 outlines the responsibility of an occupier to keep visitors to their premises safe.

For instance, if a piece of railing is missing on the first floor of a shopping centre and the shopping centre is aware of this but does not fix it or appropriately sign it, it could lead to a person sustaining an arm injury from a fall from a height. This could lead to a broken arm claim due to the shopping centre’s negligence. 

Finally, you’re owed a duty of care while on the road by all other road users; similarly, you owe them a duty of care too. This is set out in the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code

For example, if you were on a bike cycling in a cycle lane, a passing car could swerve too close to you and knock you off your bike. As a result, you could sustain a broken arm and make a cycling accident claim

For more information on when a compensation claim for an arm injury could be valid, speak with an advisor today.

Evidence For An Arm Injury Claim

Firstly, you should seek medical attention for your injury. Medical reports and records of any treatments needed due to the accident could be used as evidence in an arm injury claim.

If the injury happened at work, your workplace might have an accident report book to log the incident. This could provide crucial evidence to support your case. 

There is further evidence that you can collect to help to prove negligence: 

  • Photographic evidence – take pictures of the hazard that caused the injury to the arm.
  • CCTV footage – If CCTV cameras are present in the accident area, they may prove the cause of the injury or how it happened.
  • Witness contact details – If there were any witnesses to the accident, they might be able to validate the events that caused the accident. They can collect a statement at a later date. 

If the injury was caused by a road traffic accident between two drivers, both parties must stop and share their contact details. However, if you’re injured by the negligence of a driver who falls to exchange information, you may still be able to claim through the Motor Insurers’ Bureau.

Finally, it is advisable to seek legal advice to help you progress a personal injury claim. The help and guidance of an expert lawyer could help the claims process run more smoothly. Get in touch with our advisors for further helpful advice.

How Much Compensation Could You Get?

When you claim compensation for an arm injury caused by negligence, you could receive up to 2 heads of claim. These are called general and special damages.

Legal professionals use the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG), produced in April 2022, to help them assign values to general damages. This is the head of your claim that relates to the pain, suffering and loss of amenities that your injury has caused. 

InjuryDetailsAmount of Compensation
Arm Injury (a) Extremely severe injury that didn't require amputation. The arm will not recover. £96,160 to £130,930
Arm Injury (b)An injury causing significant disability, such as a severe fracture, which permanently changes the arm. £39,170 to £59,860
Arm Injury (c) Disabilities caused by the injury, where it has recovered to a substantial degree or is expected to in the future. £19,200 to £39,170
Arm Injury (d) Forearm fracture that is uncomplicated. £6,610 to £19,200
Amputation of One Arm (iii)Amputation below the elbow. £96,160 to £109,650
Severely Disabling Elbow Injury (a) An injury that leaves the injured person with serious and ongoing disabilities to this joint. £39,170 to £54,830
Less Severe Elbow InjuryFunction is impaired but major surgery is not required.£15,650 to £32,010
Serious Shoulder InjuryShoulder dislocated alongside further damage, causing pain in the shoulder, neck and elbow. £12,770 to £19,200
Moderate Shoulder InjuryA frozen shoulder where movement is limited and uncomfortable. Symptoms persist for about two years but are not permanent.£7,890 to £12,770
Moderate or Minor Elbow Injury For example, simple fractures, lacerations and other injuires which don't cause permanent damage or function impairment. Up to £12,590

It is important to note that these figures are a guide and you’re not guaranteed a certain amount just because it appears in the table above. 

Special damages are another category of compensation you could claim. This covers both past and future financial losses caused by the arm injury.

For example, with a fractured arm, you may be left unable to drive and therefore have to pay for transport, which you wouldn’t have had to do before the accident. The money spent on this could be claimed back. You must keep evidence of any special damages to be able to claim like receipts or bills to show what you have spent.  

Get in touch with our team today for a free, no-obligation assessment of how much your claim could be worth.

How To Appoint A No Win No Fee Solicitor

Seeking out a solicitor is not a requirement but can be very beneficial. A No Win No Fee agreement or Conditional Fee Agreement is a way of funding the work of a lawyer that minimises the financial risk involved.

It means that if your claim is unsuccessful, you would not have to pay your solicitor for their services. You also won’t have to make any payments, upfront or during the claim, for the work they do.

In the event of a successful claim, a ‘success fee’ will be due. This is a small percentage of the compensation that your solicitor will take to cover their fees. Don’t worry, though; it is legally capped, which stops you from being overcharged.

If you have suffered an arm injury due to negligence, a No Win No Fee agreement could benefit you. Our panel of advisors could help determine how strong your case is and, if appropriate, connect you with a solicitor from our panel to work on your case. 

Start An Arm Injury Claim Today

If you have sustained an arm injury due to the negligence of someone who owed you a duty of care, see if you can start your claim today. Our advisors are available 24 hours a day, every day to give free legal advice.

You can:

  • Call us at 0113 460 1215
  • Visit this page to claim online
  • Please speak to one of our advisors using the live chat feature on this page

Extra Information About Making An Arm Injury Claim

Links you might find useful:

Some external links to find out more:

If you have any questions about making an arm injury claim, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

Writer Jess Oakland 

Publisher Fern Stringer