Learn About The Main Causes Of Accidents In The Construction Sector And Claiming Compensation

There are main hazards that could pose a risk of injury in the construction industry leading to accidents. As we move through this guide, we provide helpful statistics to answer the question ‘What are the 5 main causes of accidents in the construction sector?’.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), an independent regulator for workplace health and safety in Great Britain, provide helpful statistics for the construction industry based on reports made by employers under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).

As per these statistics, there were 4,038 non-fatal injuries to employees in total between 2022/23 in the construction industry caused by different accident kinds. The most common were contact with moving machinery, being struck by a moving object, manual handling accidents, slips, trips, and falls on the same level, and falls from a height. Not all of the reported injuries and accidents were the fault of an employer. You can find more as you read our guide.

Additionally, we look at when you could potentially be eligible to start an accident at work claim, the evidence you need to support your case, and how construction accident compensation is calculated in successful claims. Finally, we discuss the benefits of working with a No Win No Fee solicitor to assist you in seeking personal injury compensation.

If you have any questions about when you could sue for a construction site accident and the steps you could take to secure a settlement, get in touch with our team by filling out our online contact form. They can help answer any questions you have about construction injury claims.

A woman moving construction materials.

Select A Section

  1. Trips, Falls, Or Slips On The Same Level
  2. Injuries Caused By Falling From A Height
  3. Manual Handling Injuries
  4. Injuries Due To Being Struck By A Moving Object
  5. Contact With Moving Machinery
  6. Could I Claim For An Accident In Construction?
  7. What Evidence Could Help After An Accident In The Construction Industry?
  8. How Much Compensation Could I Receive For A Construction Site Accident Claim?
  9. Make A No Win No Fee Claim Using A Specialised Solicitor
  10. Read More About Claiming For Construction Injuries

Trips, Falls, Or Slips On The Same Level

According to reports made to the HSE by employers under RIDDOR, there were 1,040 non-fatal injuries to employees caused by slips, trips, or falls on the same level in the construction industry in 2022/23. This is one of the 5 main causes of accidents in the construction sector.

Examples of how this accident could occur include:

  • Slipping on a wet floor
  • Tripping hazards, such as a trailing cable
  • Falling over equipment

Tripping hazards, one of the 5 main causes of accidents in the construction sector.

Injuries Caused By Falling From A Height

There were 809 non-fatal injuries to employees caused by falls from height in construction in 2022/23. This is as per HSE statistics.

Examples of how falls from a height could be caused include:

  • Faulty equipment, such as a ladder or a broken handrail leading to a fall down the stairs.
  • Lack of safety guards when working at a height.
  • No or inadequate training given to those working at a height.

The injuries caused by a fall from height can be very serious, such as a severe head injury or paralysis. If the relevant eligibility criteria are met, compensation for a life-changing injury could be sought in a fall at work claim.

Manual Handling Injuries

Manual handling refers to transporting or supporting a load by hand or bodily force such as through lifting, pushing, or pulling. As per HSE statistics, there were 663 non-fatal injuries to employees caused by handling, lifting, or carrying.

Manual handling injuries could include soft tissue injuries, such as to the neck, shoulder, or back, as well as disc damage and fractures. Examples of how they could occur include:

  • No training provided on proper lifting techniques
  • No risk assessment carried out and no measures put in place to address hazards posing a risk of injury
  • Lifting above the recommended weight for your height

Injuries Due To Being Struck By A Moving Object

There were 514 non-fatal injuries to employees that resulted from being struck by a moving, flying, or falling object in construction in 2022/23. This type of accident could cause injuries such as:

  • Head injuries
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Back injuries, such as being hit by a moving vehicle.
  • Crush injuries, leading to amputation, such as from heavy machinery falling over.

If you were struck by a moving object at work due to the negligent actions of your employer, contact our team to find out whether you could claim compensation.

A ladder crushing a construction worker, depicting falling objects.

Contact With Moving Machinery

There were 260 non-fatal injuries to employees caused by contact with moving machinery in construction in 2022/23. Examples of how this type of accident could occur include:

  • No risk assessments performed regularly to check the safety of equipment and machinery.
  • No training given to employees operating moving machinery.

As mentioned previously, not all accidents reported under RIDDOR to HSE are an employer’s fault. Furthermore, it is not always possible to start a personal injury claim following a construction site accident. Read on to learn when you could be eligible to seek compensation.

Could I Claim For an Accident In Construction?

Now that we have answered the question ‘What are the 5 main causes of accidents in the construction sector?’, you might want to know when you could claim compensation.

Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA), employers are expected to carry out reasonable and practicable actions to avoid employees from sustaining an injury in the workplace. In addition to this central piece of workplace health and safety legislation, other laws have been enacted to improve safety in the construction industry. For example, those responsible for construction sites must adhere to the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.

There are several companies that may be working on a construction site at any one time, including electric and scaffolding companies. Additionally, there may be a construction site manager and main contractor, if different to your employer. Each of these may owe you a duty of care. As such, claims for accidents in construction aren’t always going to be made against the employer. If another party was liable, the claim will be made against them instead. Liability will determine who your claim is made against.

Additionally, in order to have a valid personal injury claim, you need to prove:

  • You were owed a duty of care.
  • This duty was breached.
  • You suffered harm as a result.

These three points define negligence in tort law. You should gather evidence of negligence to support your construction accident compensation claim.

Contact our team if you have any questions about the eligibility criteria or to find out whether you could proceed with your case today.

What Evidence Could Help After An Accident In The Construction Industry?

When making a claim for construction site accidents, it’s important that you collect as much evidence to show negligence occurred. For example:

  • CCTV that shows the accident and its cause.
  • Photos from the area and of your injuries.
  • Witness contact details for anyone who can provide a supporting statement, such as construction workers.
  • Medical evidence showing the treatment you needed for your injuries.
  • A personal diary of your treatments and symptoms.
  • A copy of incident report from the workplace accident book.

If you instruct a solicitor from our panel, they can help with gathering evidence to substantiate your case. They have experience handling claims for construction accidents and injuries. Get in touch today to find out more about their services and whether they could represent you.

How Much Compensation Could I Receive For A Construction Site Accident Claim?

There are two heads of loss that can form a personal injury settlement:

  • General damages – Compensating for the pain and suffering of your injuries, physical and/or mental. You might need to attend an independent medical assessment to generate a medical report as part of the claims process. This can be used in conjunction with the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to help value your injuries. The JCG contains guideline award brackets for different injury types.
  • Special damages – Compensating for the financial costs incurred due to your injuries. For example, you might have had to take time off work to recover leading to a loss of earnings. Evidence in the form of payslips can help prove this loss. You could also claim back the cost of medical bills and care costs.

Award Bracket Guidelines

The table below contains JCG figures, with the exception of the first entry. Please use these as a guide only because how much compensation you receive following a successful construction injury claim will differ to what’s listed in the table.

Injury TypeLevel of SeverityNotesAward Bracket Guidelines
Multiple Severe Injuries and Special DamagesSevereA compensation award to address the different impacts of multiple severe injuries, such as the pain and suffering and the financial losses incurred, such as lost income, care costs, and medical bills.Up to £1 million plus
Brain Damage(a) Very SevereLittle response to external environment, also little or no language function and a need for full-time nursing care.£282,010 to £403,990
(b) Moderately Severe A substantial level of dependence on others and the need for constant professional care due to a very serious disability.£219,070 to £282,010
(c) Moderate (i) Cases involving an intellectual deficit of a moderate to severe nature, a change to the personality and an effect on senses, sight and speech. There are no employment prospects.£150,110 to £219,070
Paralysis(a) Tetraplegia Factors bearing on the award include age, depression, and the presence of any respiratory issues.£324,600 to £403,990
Back(a) Severe (i) Damage to the nerve roots and spinal cord causing severe pain and disability.£91,090 to £160,980
(b) Moderate (i) Injuries in this bracket include cases of compression or crush fractures to the lumbar vertebrae. £27,760 to £38,780
Arm Amputation(b) Loss of One Arm (i)Arm is amputated at the shoulder.Not less than £137,160
Leg (b) Very Serious (ii) Injuries that cause permanent mobility issues and the need for walking aids for the remainder of the injured person's life.£54,830 to £87,890
Other Arm Injuries(b) Permanent and Substantial DisablementSerious fractures to one or both forearms leaving a significant and permanent residual disability.£39,170 to £59,860

Contact our team for further guidance as they can provide a free valuation and estimate of the compensation you could potentially be owed for a successful claim.

Stacks of coins representing compensation for construction site accidents.

Make A No Win No Fee Claim Using A Specialised Solicitor

The construction site accident solicitors on our panel could help you claim compensation if you’re eligible to proceed with your case. Our advisors can provide a free consultation in which they assess your case and if they find you have valid grounds to claim, they can connect you with an expert solicitor from our panel offering their services through a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). Contracts such as this are a type of No Win No Fee agreement and usually mean:

  • You don’t have to pay fees for your solicitor’s services upfront or as the claim is ongoing.
  • No fees are required for your solicitor’s services if the claim fails.

If your claim succeeds, you will pay a success fee to your solicitor from your compensation. This is taken as a percentage which is subject to a legal cap. Due to the cap, you can keep the most of your awarded compensation payout.

For more information on when you could claim with a No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel, please contact an advisor by filling out our online contact form.

Two solicitors working on construction site accident claims.

Read More About Claiming For Construction Injuries

For more resources relating to workplace accident claims:

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Thank you for reading our guide answering the question ‘What are the 5 main causes of accidents in the construction sector?’ and when you could claim compensation. If you have any other questions, or need other information, get in touch with our team on the number above.